Healthcare Hell And Religious Oppression in Post-Roe America

The Supreme Court's decision to play God and overturn Roe v. Wade and the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision plunged women into the dark ages of healthcare hell. Fifty years of legal precedent to safe abortion access have been overturned, causing chaos, confusion, and legal battles in red states with harsh restrictions and … Continue reading Healthcare Hell And Religious Oppression in Post-Roe America

Supreme Court Enacts Religion To Outlaw Abortion

The Republican-controlled Supreme Court is out of control and out of touch with the American people. It is beginning to have more in common with the Taliban, a violent fundamentalist religious faction that dominates and brutalizes women, than with democracy.  The narrow interpretation of the Bible by fundamental religious extremists who wrote this law and … Continue reading Supreme Court Enacts Religion To Outlaw Abortion